- This page attempts to show some of the features of the Mac, that for whatever reason, the Windows operating system does not as easily do.
- Drag Web Page Images (jpeg, gif) to Desktop.
(If simple drag does not work, use special Safari procedure in Para 3 on Page 'B4 Mac Tips & Links'.) Windows does this also.
- Screen Capture to desktop file:
Shift+Apple+4, appears as Picture 1.png.
more details on page B4
- Screen Capture to Clipboard:
Shift+Apple+4 while holding Control key (Edit -> Show Clipboard to view what you captured). more details on page B4
- PDF - Print any file to PDF:
Use print menu, Select 'PDF' -> 'Save as PDF'.
- Hide Unused Windows:
Hide all the unused applications and their associated windows - with one command -- Apple+Option+click app's icon in dock
- Minimize (or maximize) a window slow motion:
- hold down Shift key & click yellow button
- Talk:
Highlight in TextEdit, select Edit -> Speech -> Start Speaking.
B. Other Operations
- Toolbar at top of finder window is customizable":
'View' -> Customize Toolbar
- Sidebar at left side of finder window:
Drag file or folder icons into sidebar to have a quick "path" to them.
Drag the icon out of the window to get rid of it when no longer needed.
C. Special Cautions
- Unmounting: (different than Windows)
IMPORTANT: All external hard drives, thumb drives, etc; must be "unmounted" by using the 'Eject' arrow in the sidebar (or 'File' -> 'Eject' from the menus); or data or hardware can be damaged.
D. Tutorials
- Video Tutorials:
If you go to www.apple.com/mac -- down at the bottom there are links to apple.com/findouthow/mac -- where there are links to many video tutorials (Anatomy of a Mac", "Windows on a Mac",iMovie, etc).
Note these are for latest OS 10.5, so if you have an earlier version OS, things may be a bit different.
- Switching From Windows:
For those used to Windows, note the area 'apple.com/support/switch101' is written for people used to Windows.
This page updated 7/21/2008 by JamesRobertIngram.com (13d07)